Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Dishonored: Death Of A God

I don't usually get too excited over new videogame DLC but this? This is Dishonored, this is different. And oh what a ride. If it is to be the final flick of the assassin's blade, its a tidy way to exit. This isn't a review, and there are no spoilers, only a fan who has played the original game over 40 times (no exaggeration) throwing his thoughts at the internet wall, in the hope a newbie to Dishonored will stumble across them and pick up Death Of the Outsider. It is rather ace.

Monday, 17 July 2017

Romero the Zombie King

And so the world loses another creative force who gave we horror fiends, and movie fans in general, so much bloody good time (and I do mean BLOODY). A true icon, the king of gore leading the undead into shopping malls to terrorize and wreak havoc. If it wasn't for George, zombies in todays cinema would be very different, even if they existed at all, and I doubt there would be many willing to argue against that

Rest easy sir, thanks for the nightmares.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Far Cry 5 trailer released

Its finally landed! Happy t see I wasn't a million miles out with the Waco cult vibe, and good thing too because it suits the world of Far Cry. Its also a personal favourite of mine, I love the weird cultist going crazy theme, its both comical (at times if done well) and terrifying and if this game lives up to what I'm already imagining, it will be one of the best in the series.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Scourge Of Iron

Bang That Head Young Man

I got a double dose of the Corpsies this Christmas. I always thought death metal and yuletide compliment each other with the loud, deafening shell that hides a mob of tiny, deathly shards of pleasure. Ahem...okay before I disappear up my own exhaust, the two records played loudest were Cannibal Corpse "Torture" and "A Skeletal Domain". Behold the might of death!