Sunday 14 June 2015

Dishonored 2: For the Watch!

There is a God

See that up there? The sequel to one of my favourite videogames has been announced at E3, and in a world that struggles to excite the child in me, its welcome news. Very welcome. You see im currently on my 42nd visit to Dunwall and my hunger for the FPS stealth 'em up shows no sign of burning out. Even after earning every trophy/achievement the game has to offer (and yup, including Clean Hands and Ghost).
As you might guess, the news of Dishonored 2 has me pretty hyped, and judging by the reception on Twitter, im not the only one. This and Fallout 4 means other developers will have to dig deep if they are to have any chance of stealing Bethesda's thunder.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Fallout 4

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The big news in videogames this week, arrived via Bethesda revealing the first trailer to the much anticipated Fallout 4. Naturally with a reveal as big as a triple AAA title, rising like a digital phoenix from a wasteland of indie games and remasters (and im not knocking either), the gaming world went into meltdown (it was trending on Twitter within minutes of the trailer being aired).
I won't beat about the prickly cactus plant, I liked it. I liked it a lot. My first two words after seeing the trailer were holy and shit and they still stand. Might be a tad 'green' of me, considering Bethesda's less than stellar record of bug free games on PlayStation 3 but whatever issues (mostly freezing) on previous Fallouts on that console, they can't kill my enthusiasm for Fallout 4.
The games are too damned good. Sure its hugely annoying when New Vegas stutters to a halt as your character is stealth boy'ing past Deathclaws roaming the Mojave and I have cursed Bethesda Studios to several trips to hell, yet despite this, my appetite for exploring the nuclear wastelands of America is equal to any blood thirst of the foul Deathclaw.
Of course not all of my gaming brethren are so forgiving and among the excited sunflowers, the dreaded thorns of caution were less than flattering. I don't judge them, but this is only 4 minutes out of what will be a 200+ hour game if Fallout 3 is any judge. Let's not condemn it to the scaffold just yet. Of course this being said, should Fallout 4 be plagued with the same 'annoyances' as previous games, I will find my Mad Max type, post apocalypse fun elsewhere. A few minor issues here and there is to be expected from massive, open world maps but if the equally big Far Cry 4 can do it fuss free, we should expect better from others also.