Sunday 30 August 2015

Definitive Dishonored (PS4)

Its been a while since I got excited over the release of a videogame (life gets muted slightly as the years roll ever onward), but happily this excitement returned on Friday when I saw that Dishonored Definitive Edition was available to buy on Playstation 4. Despite ignoring it on release in 2012, the game has fast become one of my all time favourites (completed enough times to warrant a restricting order from Corvo and co *laughs* ). I also own three different versions on PS3, you know, just to make sure.

And now I have four. For weeks I have been like a kid outside a sweetshop (though I was never a big sweet eater) nosing up to the preorder Dishonored on PSN store. And when I logged in on Friday evening to see it was available to buy, I was happy as an assassin's blade dancing on some poor fools throat. Dancing? Well you get the idea.
I have been a huge videogame fan since the early 1980s, but getting hyped over a title is pretty rare for me now that I am settled in my forties. So im glad Dishonored has taught me that like possessing rats can be kinda fun, I still have a few nerves in my body willing to mke the jump into excitement.